Saturday 24 October 2015

Never Want to Suffer Again from Yeast Infection

If you are looking for a yeast infection cure, then I am glad you found my blog. I strongly urge you to keep reading about how I stopped my chronic yeast infections. This is my uncensored story... how I eliminated the pain, humiliation and frustration associated with this condition and now feel more in control.
So why am I writing about all of this? Let me share with you what I have learned. If you are experiencing mixed and confusing health problems like I did, it is possible that a chronic yeast infection causes most of them! Yes, one disorder may have many unpleasant symptoms.
Last spring I was tired of taking so much medication, and I was looking for ways to live a more natural life. I accidentally found a method of yeast infection treatment, and I have followed it to eliminate my chronic yeast problem. I think the reason I am successful using this method is because it is natural and easy. I did have a false-start in the beginning, but I quickly corrected some things and have been free from Candida for more than 6 months.
The method teaches you how to change your body, the Candida habitat, and be free of yeast infections. I found that I live life now to the fullest and have no plans to return to how I was. Read more about the 12 Hour program that finally cured my chronic infection.

12 Hour Yeast Infection Treatment

Natural Cure That Worked for Me

I never want to suffer again from candida over-growth and all the complications yeast spores caused me. So I am sticking to the natural prevention plan I discovered.
Why do I even mention I tried other yeast prevention plans? Because I am often asked by my friends (who know my yeast spore health issues) what is the best infection prevention plan to follow? They know that I have followed several plans. Some plans are easier, but nowhere near the same results. I have found a balanced plan and am staying with it - because it works for me.
The best advice I have is that only you can determine what a good plan is for you. I personally have not felt this good in years. I am not tired all the time from the toxins that Candida over-growth leaves in my body. But this is not the whole story - I have no more yeast-infection symptoms.
My yeast-spore problems almost always resulted in a bladder infection and digestive problems. It seemed inevitable, season after season. I would start to feel really tired and have abominable cramps. Then I would go to the doctor and have an examination. I would usually leave with three prescriptions: antifungal, antibiotic for bladder infection, and antacids for the pain in my stomach and gas.
Since I have embraced this natural yeast prevention approach, I have not had a bladder infection. Also I am not taking antacids. If you have never had a bladder infection, then you do not know the pain and misery it can cause. This is my motivator. Why would I change my approach to managing Candida over-growths if the current one is working for me? It is not a treatment, but a natural, easy plan. For more information, see Yeast Infection No More review:

Yeast Infection Pain

5 Primary Types of Pain

If you need information on yeast infection pain, you will need to be positively sure you have a yeast infection and not another medical issue causing the pain. Pain from yeast infection affects your abdominal area, back, head, joints, and muscles. The top 5 ways a yeast infection cause pain are:

1. Pain during urinating: When the yeast infection invades the bladder, the outer area becomes inflamed and eventually the bladder infection begins. The swollen bladder strains to release the urine, and it burns the sensitive skin in passing. This pain from infection, called cystitis, is common in women.

2. Low and high back pain: Sometimes the inflamed abdominal area is pressing against the back and causes severe pain in the lower back. Also back pain from the infection may be a kidney infection that has spread up from a bladder infection. This pain from yeast infection is higher up the back just below the shoulder blades.

3. Yeast infection painful intercourse: The inflammation makes intercourse very difficult and sometimes cause spotting. This pain may be so severe that some women cannot have intercourse for months. The inflamed vulva and vagina make relaxation and intimacy near impossible. The yeast infection discharge is thick and not conducive to intercourse.

4. Pain in the abdomen: This is sometimes caused by gas generated by the growing yeast. Eating foods which are low in fiber and high in refined carbohydrates and foods with high yeast or mold content, such as bread and cheese, may cause yeast over-growth. Heartburn is a common yeast infection stomach pain.

5. Yeast infection cause pain throughout the body: Toxins from the Candida over-growth get into the blood stream. The body becomes weak and the mind becomes "spacey". Some women experience yeast infection painful migraines and joint pains.

Quality of Life With Yeast Infection No More

Sometimes it was too embarrassing to say why I could not attend dinners, sports functions, or simply exercise class. I never realized until I conquered yeast over-growths how much I had given up, how many friends I had lost, and how yeast-symptoms had changed my life.
One day I was at a fork in the road on my health. I was invited to be in a friend's wedding. I needed to be sure that on that day I was feeling great, had none of the yeast odors, and was going to be able to spend a day and evening with many people, my friends. This is when I realized that messy over-the -counter yeast-treatments were not an option. How could they be? I also came to the awaking that I was not solving this problem once and for all.

Well, I bought the Yeast Infection No More guide and started to read and change my life in small ways. The many small changes I made actually amounted to a big change for prevention of yeast spore over-growth. I really wished someone had told me (like my doctor) what I needed to do to have the quality of life you get without yeast infections.

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